Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Feelings FOLLOW Behaviour

Does it?Should it?

When one thinks about this statement, it just does not sound right.Can you control your behaviour? Can you control your feelings?

You can control your behaviour, but you cannot control your feelings, you can only suppress it.I both agree and do not agree with this statement. When you do behave in a certain manner, your behaviour has some consequences and you have feelings about those consequences. Helping an old lady across the street makes one feel proud, hitting someone in the face in the midst of a catfight makes leads to the feeling of shame.(for those of us with a conscience anyway!)

That behaviour was triggered by some emotion or feeling. Those feelings or emotions made you act or behave in a certain manner. Before you helped the old lady across the street you felt concerned and sorry for her. Before you hit the girl you felt angry and enraged and wanted to scratch her eyes out.

This leads me to believe that a more accurate statement would be: Feelings/emotions leads to behavoir/actions which are again followed by feelings/emotions.

"If feelings follow behaviour, they cannot be the causes of behaviour, since causes must precede their effects." James D.Laird

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