Thursday, April 16, 2009

You ARE what you DO

“You are what you DO, so why not DO the exceptional.” This slogan is splashed across the SANTAM building in Durbanville, and gets one thinking.

What we do defines our being. It is scary to know that all my accomplishments and failures defines my being....I want to be perceived as extraordinary.

If I lied to my mother about breaking her new vase, does that make me a liar?

If I took my brothers chocolate out of his drawer, does that make me a thief?

If I did not tell my sister she looked fat when she was pregnant, does that make me untrustworthy?

If I feel hatred towards rapists, does that make me a hater?

The things I do out of anger, frustration, fear, anguish and heartache forms part of this ‘being’ .But is it fair to be judged and defined in accordance with these acts. These actions are mostly irrational reactions to something negative that occurs. These are actions I would not want to be defined as. On the other hand, there is no such thing as a perfect human being, this is a concept with which I myself sometimes struggle. Because:

I want to be perceived as good

I want to be perceived as extraordinary

I want to be perceived as honest

I want to be perceived as trustworthy

I want to be perceived as loyal

I want to be perceived as loving

I want to be perceived as hardworking

I want to be perceived as a energetic

I want to be defined as a friend

I want to be defined as a Christian


And yet, my actions do not always portray these characteristics. Does this mean I am NOT extraordinary???

1 comment:

  1. To answer you question, no I don't think that because you told a white lie to your sister to spare her feelings that it makes you a lier, but the problem comes in when we continue with lies. Or if we continue hating people. It is not the one act that defines us, but how many times we continue with that act that shows who and what we really are.
