Sunday, April 19, 2009

How do you step from the top of a 100-foot pole?

HOW DO YOU?????I suppose very, very carefully and with extreme caution.

For a superhero this would be a very easy task.

Spiderman would...simply shoot out a web and swing from this pole to another

Superman would...point his arm upward and fly

Batman would....spread his bat-wings and fly

Captain America would... simply belt out “because I am Captain America” (and he would be on the ground)

Inspector Guru would...just extent his guru-leg and walk on

Wolverine would...jump and fall the living daylights out of him, but will heal in about 30 seconds

The HULK would... get angry, turn green, become the size of the Big Ben and the 100-foot pole would seem like a 1-foot pole

Silver Surfer would...never be in this position because he is always off surfing somewhere

Magneto would...attract a large magnetic figure, step onto it and from there proceed to the ground

Ironman would...beat the pole into the ground

Storm would...create a flood of some sort and swim to safety

Catwomen would...jump because cats always land on their feet

Wonderwoman would....jump, fly, walk or whatever (she is wonderwoman and can do anything)

To be very realistic I would...simply SLIDE (yes like a fireman) and NOT step from the top of a 100-foot pole, unless I am trying to commit suicide off course!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

You ARE what you DO

“You are what you DO, so why not DO the exceptional.” This slogan is splashed across the SANTAM building in Durbanville, and gets one thinking.

What we do defines our being. It is scary to know that all my accomplishments and failures defines my being....I want to be perceived as extraordinary.

If I lied to my mother about breaking her new vase, does that make me a liar?

If I took my brothers chocolate out of his drawer, does that make me a thief?

If I did not tell my sister she looked fat when she was pregnant, does that make me untrustworthy?

If I feel hatred towards rapists, does that make me a hater?

The things I do out of anger, frustration, fear, anguish and heartache forms part of this ‘being’ .But is it fair to be judged and defined in accordance with these acts. These actions are mostly irrational reactions to something negative that occurs. These are actions I would not want to be defined as. On the other hand, there is no such thing as a perfect human being, this is a concept with which I myself sometimes struggle. Because:

I want to be perceived as good

I want to be perceived as extraordinary

I want to be perceived as honest

I want to be perceived as trustworthy

I want to be perceived as loyal

I want to be perceived as loving

I want to be perceived as hardworking

I want to be perceived as a energetic

I want to be defined as a friend

I want to be defined as a Christian


And yet, my actions do not always portray these characteristics. Does this mean I am NOT extraordinary???

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Are we afraid of the wrong things?

F= Foolish
E= Emotional
R= Ridiculous

It is part of human nature to be afraid. But what does being afraid mean? Why are we afraid of the unknown? Why are we afraid of things we know we cannot change or predict? I am afraid of the dark, afraid of being raped, afraid of being mugged, afraid of small spaces, afraid of having my heart broken, afraid of never knowing the true meaning of love.....

Fear changes people. It limits your capabilities. It changes personalities and diminishes aspirations. When you allow fear to take over your life, you are not living. We have adopted a culture of fear.

This culture is very much influenced by the media. The media has the rest of the world convinced that our country is taken over and ruled by crime. We tend to be most afraid of the things that are publicized the most. We are more afraid of being mugged than we are of dying from a terminal illness. Yet Africa has the largest number of people infected by HIV/AIDS and its death toll is almost quadruple the amount of people who get mugged. We tend to more afraid of containing the mad cow disease than we are of getting a heart attack. And yet, we drive at high speeds while under the influence of alcohol, smoke cigarettes, and do drugs.

This means that we as individuals do not think for ourselves anymore. We believe that which is told to us, and cast it in stone. It is time to start thinking rationnally about fear.

Colour of the wind...

The wind is brings calmness and rejuvenation as is blows gently over you, the wind is youthful

The Wind is takes action and is confident

The wind is brings joy and happiness

The wind is is vigorous and fierce, it symbolizes stability

The wind is is conventional and earthly

The wind is brings vitality

The wind is is magical and truthful

The wind is symbolises new life, nature and well being

The wind is is heavenly and pure

The wind is PINK... it is loving and beautiful

The wind is GOLD... it is wise

The wind is is mature

The wind comes and goes, sometimes more intense than other, it teases you, making you wait for more, wanting more. The wind has a heavenly feel but it is fierce. It is unpredictable and exciting.

Its soul is one of love and hate. It has an honest soul, expressing its feelings. Its verbal nature makes it trustworthy and friendly. The wind is a friend.